
Year: Section:


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Average value at the time of acquisition for items 1,2 and 3 is in EUR. Explanation for visiting professor (incoming / outcoming) - (duration 1 month or more) 0/2 - (short term visits, 1-2 weeks) ~ 15/15. Department of Physics Niš was initiator of the SEENET-MTP Network (2003) and host of the SEENET-MTP Office (since 2007). Through various SEENET-MTP activities there were about 100 short-term visits-exchanges in the region and many incoming researchers outside SEE.

Disclaimer: All the data for this database were collected as a part of the UNESCO Venice Office Project “Strengthening Basic and Engineering Sciences Capacities in South Eastern Europe SEE”, i.e. as the subproject “Map of Excellence in Physics and Mathematics in SEE – the SEE MP e-Survey Project” launched in 2010, and continued in 2012/2013 in cooperation with the SEENET-MTP Network Office Nis – Faculty of Science Nis, and the Department of Physics, University of Craiova. Representatives of each institution are able to add, update or delete the data about their institution. The SEENET-MTP Network cannot be held liable for the published information and its accuracy.