
Year: Section:


National currency:

Total Annual Budget of the Centre in 2009:


Average percent devoted to Research Activities only:

19 %

II 2. Source of funding (for research activities):

National Public - Average (percentage):


National Private - Average (percentage):


International Public - Average (percentage):


International Private - Average (percentage):


II.3. Typology of funding over the last five years

Total Annual Average Amount:


Average percent devoted only to Research Activities:


- Regular budget

Annual Average Amount:


Average percent devoted only to Research Activities


- Extra-budgetary Funding (if any)

Annual Average Amount:


Average percent devoted only to Research Activities:


Other Comments:

Total amount for Research at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics paid by the Serbian Ministry for Science and Technological Development for scientific projects for 5 years is 241078400 RSD. Only for Physics (for the same period) is 6978369,40 RSD Amount for salaries for total staff for Physics, paid by Serbian Ministry of Education (covering 50% teaching and 50% research), by year •2005 employed 31 in total (including the taxes) 15496155,60 RSD •2006 employed 30 in total (including the taxes) 18850385,90 RSD •2007 employed 32 in total (including the taxes) 24449294,70 RSD •2008 employed 31 in total (including the taxes) 32657966,70 RSD •2009 employed 33 in total (including the taxes) 32413999,10 RSD. Exchange Rate in 2009 (1 Eur ~ 93.95 RSD) in 2008 (1 Eur ~ 81.43 RSD) in 2007 (1 Eur ~ 79.96 RSD) in 2006 (1 Eur ~ 84.11 RSD) in 2005 (1 Eur ~ 83.00 RSD)

Disclaimer: All the data for this database were collected as a part of the UNESCO Venice Office Project “Strengthening Basic and Engineering Sciences Capacities in South Eastern Europe SEE”, i.e. as the subproject “Map of Excellence in Physics and Mathematics in SEE – the SEE MP e-Survey Project” launched in 2010, and continued in 2012/2013 in cooperation with the SEENET-MTP Network Office Nis – Faculty of Science Nis, and the Department of Physics, University of Craiova. Representatives of each institution are able to add, update or delete the data about their institution. The SEENET-MTP Network cannot be held liable for the published information and its accuracy.