The Third Cycle of the CERN – SEENET-MTP PhD program begins

In Niš, the Third Cycle of the CERN – SEENET-MTP PhD program has begun. The program started with introductory lectures, primarily intended for final-year master’s students. The lecturers are Prof. Dr. Neven Bilić (Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb) and Prof. Dr. Dragoljub Dimitrijević (University of Niš).

The program continues with the school:

CERN – SEENET-MTP – ICTP School (June 9-16, 2024)
“School on Field Theory and Applications in HEP”

at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The lecturers are:

  • Goran Djordjević (University Nis) – Introduction to HEP PhD Program
  • Tarek Anous (QMUL, UK) – Black Holes and Quantum Physics
  • Nikolay Bobev (KU Leuven, Belgium) – Introduction to AdS/CFT Correspondence and Holography
  • Daniel Grumiller (TU Vienna, Austria) – Celestial Holography and Carrollian Physics
  • Slava Rychkov (IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette, France) – Introduction to Conformal Field Theory
  • Kostas Skenderis (U. Southampton, UK) – Current Trends in Theoretical High Energy Physics (Renormalization in CFT, AdS and dS)
  • Vassilis Spanos (NKUA, Greece) – Introduction to Modern Cosmology

The school gathers over 70 students, lecturers, and associates from more than 15 countries in the region and Europe. For the first time, there will be participants from overseas countries, through remote lectures.