Prof. Dr. Goran Djordjevic visited Zagreb and Banja Luka

Prof. Dr. Goran Djordjevic (Department of Physics and SEENET-MTP Centre Nis, Serbia) visited the Faculty of Science and Mathematics University of Banja Luka (Bosnia and Hercegovina), the Faculty of Science and Institute Rudjer Boskovic, Zagreb (Croatia), from March 28 to April 6, 2021.

Accent, on his stay in Zagreb, was on ongoing, joint work and papers: “Constant-roll inflation with tachyon field in the holographic braneworld,” “On attractor behavior in braneworld constant-roll inflation, and Primordial BH Formation.”

Prof. Djordjevic gave a talk on “Gravitational waves in the early universe” in Banja Luka.

This visit is also used to consider, prepare, and implement joint research and training activities with N. Bilic, A. Samsarov, I. Smolic, and S. Markovic within the SEENET-MTP PhD Program, with an accent on the next SEENET School in Thessaloniki 2024.

This visit was done under the NT-03 2024/1 ICTP – SEENET-MTP research-exchange program TECOM-GRASP (ThEoretical and Computational Methods in GRavitation and AstroPhysics), coordinated by the University of Craiova.