Dr. Nikola Konjik and Djordje Bogdanovic visited Zagreb

Dr. Nikola Konjik and Djordje Bogdanovic (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physics, Serbia) visit the Rudjer Boskovic Institute in Zagreb from 3 – 7 June 2024. Beside research activities during their stay, they took part in the Physics and Geometry program n RBI Zagreb.

Also they have discussions with scientists from Croatia (Dr.A. Samsarov, N. Herceg, F. Pozar) and from other European countries (R. Szabo).

This research-exchange program is organized in the framework of the NT-03 2024/1 ICTP – SEENET-MTP research-exchange program TECOM-GRASP (ThEoretical and Computational Methods in GRavitation and AstroPhysics and partially supported by the SEENET-MTP Centre.