Introduction to cosmology, and numerical cosmology (with “Cactus” code)

Department of Theoretical Physics and Laboratory of Computer Physics (University of Nis), in cooperation with: The Southeastern European Network in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics (SEENET-MTP), within the working group Project Strings and Cosmology (funded by ICTP, Trieste, Italy; Ministry of Science and Technological Development of Serbia and UNESCO) organize a series of lectures:

Introduction to cosmology, and numerical cosmology
(with “Cactus” code)

Lecturer is Dr Dumitru Vulcanov, dean of the physics West University of Timisoara, Romania.

Lectures will be held from 27 – 29 October, 2009, in the Room 100, at the Faculty of Science in Nis and the Laboratory for Computer Physics (Višegradska 33) at 12:00pm. Lectures will be held in English, with short explanations of the Serbian language.

We invite interested parties to attend and thank you for your assistance in distributing information, in order to encourage international cooperation in the field of science education in the city of Nis


Executive Director of SEENET-MTP Network
Head of the Department of Theoretical Physics

Prof. Dr. Goran Djordjevic

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