It is a pleasure to announce that The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) has joined The Framework Agreement for Scientific and Technical Collaboration – the bilateral agreement between CERN and SEENET-MTP Network.
The Annex to the Agreement was signed by the ICTP director Professor Fernando Quevedo, on behalf of ICTP, and Dr. Dragoljub Dimitrijević, scientific secretary of the Network and its Office in Niš, on behalf of the Network, in Trieste during the joint SEENET-MTP SAC and Council Meeting and Workshop.
On behalf of CERN the Annex to the Agreement was signed by Professor Gian Giudice, Head of Theoretical Physics Department.
ICTP has agreed to collaborate with CERN and SEENET-MTP agreed in domains of mutual interest, including in particular in training, capacity building and research in Theoretical High Energy Physics, Particle Physics, Computational Physics and Cosmology.
ICTP has obliged to provide additional funds and trainers for the CERN – SEENET-MTP PhD Training Program, launched in April 2015. Until more than 70 PhD students from 10 countries participated in the program.
The Program has been implemented through a series of intense, self-connected, one-week seminars intended for PhD and advanced MSc students.

The Annex of the Framework Agreement will enable a continuation of the Second Cycle of the PhD Training Program launched in June 2019, and extend a base for the Program.
The main partners in the Program are full SEENET-MTP member nodes, other nodes and partner institutions, as well as individual members. Institutions and individuals from 12 SEENET-MTP countries and worldwide are also invited to join the Program.
A number of institutions and organizations across Europe are also invited to join and participate in the Agreement and the Program.
The SEENET-MTP Office welcomes students interested in participating in the Program who are not individual members of the SEENET-MTP yet to join us by filling the registration form for the Network and/or to express their wish to enroll in the Program by sending an e-mail to