The central event within the Program of the Southeast European Network in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics (SEENET-MTP) in the year 2005 was the 2nd Southeastern European Workshop: Challenges Beyond the Standard Model (BW2005), held in Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia, 19-23 May, 2005. It was the workshop of a high scientific level and most important for fast development of the Network structure in the second half of the year.

The whole program, supported by UNESCO-ROSTE Venice,  was proposed and implemented through three main actions:

  • Network exchange and mobility
  • Building up the web site of the Network
  • Support of the activities related to high school classes for pupils with special abilities in physics and sciences

Action 1 – Network exchange and mobility

1. G. Djordjevic (Nis) visited Faculty of Science, Department of Physics, Zagreb, and “Rudjer Boskovic” Institute, Zagreb (9-12 February, 2005). The scientific talk “Number Theory and Ultrametric Spaces in Quantum Theory and Cosmology” was given during the visit.

After Zagreb, Prof. Djordjevic visited Munich LMU, i.e., Faculty of Physics and Max-Planck Institute of Physics.

2. Prof. J. Madore (Paris) visited Faculty of Physics, Belgrade (16-19 May 2005)

3. A. Gavrilik (Kyiv) visited Faculty of Science, Department of Physics, Nis, (16-18 May, 2005). He gave a scientific talk titled “Quantum Groups and Their Application“, and presented the main topics of scientific research in Kyiv, basically at the Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics.

4a. J. Bagger (Baltimore) visited Faculty of Science, Department of Physics, Nis, and the University of Nis (23-24 May). After a very constructive meeting with the Rector of the University of Nis and his collaborators, he presented the frontiers of current research in USA: “Particle physics in the 21st century”.

4b. P. Prester (Zagreb) visited Nis (23-24 May) and Belgrade (24-26 May) and give a review talk: “String theory – 20 years after the revolution”.

5b. – At the time of the visit paid by Prof. Bagger and Prof. Prester, a group of professors from Romania (M. Visinescu & D. Radu Grigore (Bucharest) and R. Constantinescu (Craiova)) visited the University of Nis (23-24 May).

7. G. Djordjevic (Nis), coordinator of the Network, visited Bulgaria (20-23 June). As a guest of the Bulgarian Academy of Science Institute (INRNE), he gave a scientific talk at the seminar led by the academician Todorov: “Ultrametric extra dimensions and deformed spaces”.

8. D. Stojkovic (Belgrade, Ann Arbor) visited Nis (26-27 June) and gave a scientific talk “Extra-dimensions”, focusing on his current scientific interest in the field.

9. M. Dugic (Kragujevac) visited Nis (12 July) and gave the scientific talk “Quantum computation”.

10. G. Djordjevic (Nis) visited Zagreb, Venice and Trieste (7-16 September). In Zagreb he presented his recent results on “Path integral methods and Tachyon Quantization”.

11. As an invited lecturer and guest of the University of Thessaloniki, G. Djordjevic gave the scientific talk “Cosmological aspects of Kaluza-Klein models“.

12. Mini-workshop QM2005 – Quantum Models on Noncommutative and Deformed Spaces & Annual Meeting of the Initiative/Executive Committee of the Network was held Nis, Serbia, November 3-7, 2005

13. M. Milekovic (Zagreb) see Action 3, item 3.

14. S. Berceanu (Bucharest) was invited to visit Zagreb and give two talks related to his field of interest. On November 31, 2005, at Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Prof. Berceanu presented his talk on “Representations of coherent state Lie algebras by holomorphic differential operators”. At the Institute of Mathematics, Zagreb, on December 1, 2005, he presented the talk “A holomorphic representation of the Jacobi algebra”.

Action 2 – Building Up the Network Web Presentation

1. The web server was provided on November 1st, 2005. The new web presentation at was activated and promoted a few days later, during the QM2005 Workshop.

Action 3 – Support of the activities related to high school classes for pupils with special abilities in physics and sciences

One important part of activities was the organization of attractive public lectures. Even topics were adjusted for high school pupils, and some of the lectures and lecturers (in Serbian) were so attractive that gathered the audience of hundreds of people.

1. Guest lecturer Prof. V. Ajdacic (Belgrade): “Science as a fairy tale” (11 May)

2. Guest lecturer Prof. D. Stojkovic (Belgrade, Ann Arbor): “Evolution of the Universe” (27 June)

3. During the QM2005 Workshop, M. Milekovic (Zagreb) had a short meeting with a few gifted pupils. He presented the experience of similar initiatives and activities in Croatia and donated a collection of the Croatian Journal in Mathematics and Physics for high school pupils.

4. Guest lecturer Prof. M. Cirkovic (Belgrade): “Astrobiology” (28 December).

5. Over 40 books and journals on mathematics and physics were bought and donated to the best pupils. Also, some of the books will be used by teachers for everyday activities in high school classes for pupils with special abilities in physics and sciences. One of the best pupils, who is of the unenviable economical status, was granted with one-month rent for the accommodation.