The XXV International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum symmetries (ISQS-25) to be held on June 6-10 Prague, Czech Republic.
Scientific program of ISQS-25 includes the following main topics:
- Quantum Integrable systems
- Quantum groups
- Nonncommutative geometryQuantum space-times and their quantum symmetries
- Discrete Integrable Systems and Painlevé Equations
- Supersymmetry and integrability
- Spectral asymptotics of Quantum integrable systems.
- Higher Spin Field Theory
- Modern mathematical methods
The XXV International Conference on Integrable Systems is one of a series of annual meetings held at the Czech Technical University since 1992 and is devoted to problems of mathematical physics related to the theory of integrable systems, quantum groups and quantum symmetries. During the last 3 years each of the conferences gathered each year around 100 scientists from all over the world.
The workshop is organized the Czech Technical University in Prague. More information are available at the website of the conference.