Category: News

P-adic Wavelet Bases and Frames

P-adic Wavelet Bases and Frames

Department of Physics (Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Nis), Chair of Theoretical Physics and Center for Theoretical Physics organize a lecture: P-adic Wavelet Bases and Frames Lecturer is dr Sergey KOZYREV, Steklov Mathematical Institute (Moscow, …
Series of Lectures by Dr. Suresh Nampuri in Nis

Series of Lectures by Dr. Suresh Nampuri in Nis

Series of Lectures by Dr. Suresh Nampuri (Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics Mathematical Physics; String Theory, Munich, Germany) “Black Hole Counting in String Theory” Date: Tuesday, 27th April, 2010 at 12:15h, Place: Small Hall …
Dr. Davide Poletto visited Nis

Dr. Davide Poletto visited Nis

Dr. Davide Poletto (Assistant Programme Specialist, SC UNESCO-Venice Office) visited the Faculty of Science and Mathematics University of Nis and SEENET-MTP Office in Nis (April 7–8, 2010). During his stay Dr. Poletto met with SEENET-MTP …