Category: News

“10 Years of the SEENET-MTP” at e-EPS

The article about Balkan Workshop BW2013 and Ten years of the SEENET-MTP Network is bublished at the e-EPS website: “Under the aegis and with the suppport of the European Physical Society , the Kick-off Meeting …

Fellowships Humbolt Club Serbia

Humboldt club Serbia invites researchers interested in participating in presentation of fellowships opportunities by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, which will be held on June 15th, 2013 at 10am in The Conference Hall of the Rectorate …

ICTP: Supporting Science in the Balkans

ICTP Director and scientists lecture at Balkan Workshop 16/05/2013 – Trieste: ICTP sponsored a recent workshop in Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia that was organized by the Southeastern European Network in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics (SEENET-MTP) Titled …

BW2013 Post-conference Information

The Balkan Workshop BW2013 — Beyond the Standard Models, held in Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia (April 25 – 29, 2013) was jointly organized by the SEENET-MTP Network and its Office at the Faculty of Science and …

New President of the SEENET-MTP

Prof. dr Dumitru Vulcanov was elected unanimously for the new President of the SEENET-MTP Network at the meeting of Executive Committee of the Network held on April 27, 2013 at the Balkan Workshop BW2013 (Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia). …

New SEENET-MTP Network Node

We are pleased to announce that Physics Department of Mimar Sinan University became the full member of SEENET-MTP Network. This is 21st institution which became a member of the Network. The application of Physics Department of Mimar Sinan University …