Category Archives: Presentations

Marija Dimitrijević Ćirić “Matter Fields in SO(2,3)⋆ Model of Noncommutative Gravity”

Marija Dimitrijević Ćirić "Matter Fields in SO(2,3)⋆ Model of Noncommutative Gravity" from SEENET-MTP Download PDF

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Zvonimir Vlah “Lagrangian perturbation theory for large scale structure formation”

Zvonimir Vlah "Lagrangian perturbation theory for large scale structure formation" from SEENET-MTP Download PDF

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Vitaly Vanchurin “General relativity from non-equilibrium thermodynamics of quantum information”

Vitaly Vanchurin "General relativity from non-equilibrium thermodynamics of quantum information" from SEENET-MTP Download PDF

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Sergey Sibiryakov “Galactic rotation curves vs. ultra-light dark matter: Implications of the soliton—host halo relation”

Sergey Sibiryakov “Galactic rotation curves vs. ultra-light dark matter: Implications of the soliton—host halo relation” from SEENET-MTP Download PDF

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Radoslav Rashkov “Integrable structures in low-dimensional holography and cosmologies”

Radoslav Rashkov “Integrable structures in low-dimensional holography and cosmologies” from SEENET-MTP Download PDF

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Nikola Godinović “The very high energy gamma ray astronomy”

Nikola Godinović “The very high energy gamma ray astronomy” from SEENET-MTP Download PDF

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Miroljub Dugić “The concept of Local Time. Quantum-mechanical and cosmological perspectives”

Miroljub Dugić “The concept of Local Time. Quantum-mechanical and cosmological perspectives” from SEENET-MTP Download PDF

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Cemsinan Deliduman “Astrophysics with Weyl Gravity”

Cemsinan Deliduman “Astrophysics with Weyl Gravity” from SEENET-MTP Download PDF

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Radu Constantinescu “Scientific research: Excellence in International context”

Radu Constantinescu “Scientific research: Excellence in International context” from SEENET-MTP Download PDF

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Loriano Bonora “HS theories from effective actions”

Loriano Bonora “HS theories from effective actions” from SEENET-MTP Download PDF

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