The scientific part of the Workshop entitled Field Theory and the Early Universe (10-14 June, 2018) will include recent developments in Beyond the Standard Cosmological Model(s) (BSCM). This will be an excellent opportunity to gather leading experts in physics, as well as young researchers from South-East, Central and Eastern Europe, EU, USA, to discuss open problems and perspectives in the main scientific areas of the Workshop. The educational and organizational part will include the discussion which should lead us to BSCM in regional and inter-regional cooperation in Science and Education. A series of round tables will be organized, with a few invited lecturers and moderators from CEI, UNESCO, European Physical Society (EPS), Balkan Physical Union (BPU), CERN, ICTP. The round tables discussion will be focused on actions promoting and strengthening research, education and capacity-building in physics in natural sciences with a focus on South Eastern Europe, in a European and worldwide framework.
The Workshop will be organized by SEENET-MTP Centre, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics (University of Niš, Serbia) and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (University of Craiova, Romania). The BW2018 is organized in collaboration and with support by University of Niš.