Author: SEENET-MTP Office Niš

Quantum Foundations Summer School

Quantum Foundations Summer School

Perimeter Institute in Canada is hosting a Quantum Foundations Summer School (QFSS) this summer from August 27th to 31st 2007. This is a new opportunity for your Graduate Students to learn about Quantum Foundations and …
ICTP – TRIL Programme

ICTP – TRIL Programme

ICTP News 3/3/2006 Fellowship Opportunities Applications are now available for fellowships to earn a Laurea Magistralis in Fisica and Laurea Magistralis in Astrofisica e Fisica Spaziale, under a joint programme sponsored by ICTP and the …
Post Doctoral Position, LUTH

Post Doctoral Position, LUTH

The Laboratory Universe and Theory invites applications for a post-doctoral position in Computational Astrophysics and Theoretical Cosmology The evidences for cosmic acceleration come from various observations in cosmology, such as the distanceredshift measurements of type …