Author: SEENET-MTP Office Niš

European Latsis Prize 2008

European Latsis Prize 2008

Dear colleagues, we have been asked from the European Science Foundation to circulate this information within our community. This year, the European Latsis Prize 2008 has “Astrophysics” as the topic of the year. The deadline …
Tragic News

Tragic News

With much sadness and some delay we have received information that Prof. Engin Arik and her collaborator Berkol Dogan lost life in a tragic airplane crash of the Istanbul – Ispara plane, on November 30, …
Annual Scholarship Program of the Bavaria

Annual Scholarship Program of the Bavaria

The Bavarian State Ministry for Science, Research and Art awards annual scholarships to graduate students from Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, And Hungary. Applications must arrive before February 15, 2008. Further …