Author: SEENET-MTP Office Niš

e-EPS monthly bulletin

e-EPS – Facts and info from the European Physical Society e-EPS is the electronic facts and information bulletin from the EPS. This new communications initiative is prepared and distributed monthly and contains information of interest …

UNESCO Regional Summer School 2011

UNESCO Regional Summer School 2011 Renewable Energy And Energy Efficiency Governance Fojnica, Bosnia and Herzegovina 23 August – 3 September 2011 More information are available in the First Announcement.
Evening of Physics in Nis (photos)

Evening of Physics in Nis (photos)

Presentations: Milan Bogosavljevic – AS Videojevica Download presentation. View more presentations from SEENET-MTP Miroslav Micic – Supermasivne crne rupe Download presentation. View more presentations from SEENET-MTP
Evening of Physics in Nis

Evening of Physics in Nis

Physical Society Nis (DFN), the Office of SEENET-MTP Network Nis, in cooperation with the Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics organized Evening of Physics and Award Ceremony on Thursday, 12 May 2011th in …