Author: SEENET-MTP Office Niš

BW2013 Post-conference Information

The Balkan Workshop BW2013 — Beyond the Standard Models, held in Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia (April 25 – 29, 2013) was jointly organized by the SEENET-MTP Network and its Office at the Faculty of Science and …

New President of the SEENET-MTP

Prof. dr Dumitru Vulcanov was elected unanimously for the new President of the SEENET-MTP Network at the meeting of Executive Committee of the Network held on April 27, 2013 at the Balkan Workshop BW2013 (Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia). …

New SEENET-MTP Network Node

We are pleased to announce that Physics Department of Mimar Sinan University became the full member of SEENET-MTP Network. This is 21st institution which became a member of the Network. The application of Physics Department of Mimar Sinan University …

SISSA is New Partner of the SEENET-MTP

We are pleased to announce that International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) became the new partner of the SEENET-MTP Network. The contact person is Prof. Loriano Bonora, who is also member of the Scientific-Advisory Committee …

Petnica School on Cosmology

We are happy to announce Petnica School on Cosmology (5-11 August 2013). The school aims to provide intensive and thorough course on modern cosmology and related disciplines, along with hands-on exercises, discussions and independent work. …