Author: SEENET-MTP Office Niš

Prof. Dr. Neven Bilic is visiting Belgrade and Niš

Prof. Dr. Neven Bilic is visiting Belgrade and Niš

Prof. Dr. Neven Bilić (Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia) is visiting the Astronomical Observatory Belgrade and the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Niš during this week. During this research-training visit “HEP – Cosmology …

Research grants in France (only in Serbian)

Prijavite se za boravak u istraživačkoj laboratoriji u Francuskoj Rok: do 30. juna 2016. 2016. godine Ambasada Francuske i Francuski institut u Srbiji čine dodatne napore kako bi podržali francusko-srpske projekte saradnje u kontekstu borbe …

The Corfu Summer Institute (CORFU2016)

We are happy to announce the team of School lecturers of CORFU2016! The CORFU2016 homepage can be found here. where it is going to appear all additional information concerning the Corfu Meetings next September. George Zoupanos